October 10, 2016
I want to take a minute to welcome back our 8th
grader students, parents and teachers who travelled to Washington DC.
It was exciting to track their journey on the Discover DC FaceBook page.
The day that the students left, several high
school students came up to me after school saying how much they enjoyed their
DC trip.
One exciting event from the trip every year is the laying of the wreath at the tomb of the unknown solider.
Upon returning from the trip, one of the parents
sent this email:
I just want to thank you for such a wonderful trip! I was very impressed with the entire experience, thoroughly enjoyed myself, and hope that I was a good chaperone. From beginning to end it was an exceptionally professional, well crafted excursion and I am grateful that I could share it with you and the eighth grade class.
For current 7th graders, it's not too late to
register, your registration forms will be going home soon. Online registration
is available at the Discover DC page on the EWG homepage. And
for parents, this is a great opportunity for you to attend the trip as well.