I can’t believe it is October already. This school year is flying by. The recent turn in the weather has made it start to feel like fall. What a drastic change from the beginning of the week to the end of the week.
Samantha M shared this great time lapse video of her art project with me. Check it out.
Picture day is tomorrow, Friday October 2. Make sure you have filled out your picture forms.
There is no school next Friday, October 9, it is a professional development day for teachers.
Here is another great Wonder project created by Kristina and Erin.
As September comes to a close, don’t forget to nominate your favorite teacher for teacher Knight of the month. Which teacher has shown you respectful, responsible and safe behaviors. Tell us about why you pick that teacher. Fill out the form to nominate.
Don't forget to try new things. Some things might be hard, and sometimes you might try, but it is in the trying that you will find your wings and help you fly!